These are the entrepreneurs of your economy. They need at least landed voting rights to vote. Clergymen are middle strata and their base ideology depends on your national value (conservatism for order, liberalism for liberty and socialism for equity). The consciousness effect applies to the whole state. The religion and culture of clergymen will not affect their performance but only national culture Clergymen add to research. Clergymen also add to your research considerably until the discovery of Darwinism, which makes them less useful. They do, however, raise consciousness for Aristocrats, Capitalists, and Officers. They also, by extension, reduce the Militancy of some strata of your population, making them less likely to revolt against your rule.

They work to your benefit by reducing the Consciousness of some of your POPs - Farmers, Workers and Soldiers (see section “The Big Three”), making them good citizens for autocratic governments, but not so good for democratic ones. These are the religious figures in your country. Officers are middle strata and their natural ideology is conservatism. Converting a non-national culture POP will only give you a one time boost in leadership points. Non-national culture POPs do not provide any monthly increase. The more Officers you have, the more leadership points you gain each month. The number of Officers you have contributes directly to the number of leadership points you develop. These are the more experienced and highly trained solders in your army. Aristocrats are the rich strata and their natural ideology is conservatism. You cannot promote them but all officers in conquered provinces automatically become aristocrats. They provide an efficiency bonus to farming RGO in the province they are in and research a little, but besides that, they’re useful for little more than being taxed. They basically sit at home all day and consume things. These are the wealthy landowners in your country. Most POPs are convertible by you, the player, assuming they are at the right level already and you have the resources to promote them to the next.

Each contributes in different ways to your economy. POPs come in ten flavors: Officers, Aristocrats, Capitalists, Clergymen, Clerks, Craftsmen, Farmers, Laborers, Soldiers, and Slaves.